Hero Shape One Hero Shape Two Hero Shape Three


Mobile, a theoretical introduction - 120 min

Mobile world:

  • Mobile as an Experience
  • Smartphones
  • Tablets


Mobile user experience:

  • Censorious of use
  • Experience the touch
  • Apps vs. mobile sites


- Familiarity with mobile design guidelines of leading manufacturers:
Apple, Android and more.
- Innovative interfaces and future trends

Mobile UX - smartphones - 90 min

  • Design principles for a smartphone
  • Design patterns: Examples of common screen design
  • Dealing with differences between operating systems of different manufacturers

Mobile UX - tablets - 45 min

  • Planning principles for your tablet
  • Design patterns: Examples of common screen design
  • Dealing with differences between operating systems of different manufacturers

Responsive design & Multi-Platform - 30 min

Understanding challenges and possible solutions.

  • What is Responsive Design and why is it important?
  • Multiple platforms
  • Multiple resolutions
  • Guidelines for approaching responsive
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